Inbound Webhook Notifications

Some important information about inward bank transfer webhook notifications

Webhook JSON Payload Sample

Notifications will be sent to your registered webhook for each bank transfer that is received by your customer accounts. The JSON sample below captures the structure of the payload to expect. NOTE: The http method for your web hook should be POST.

Web hook notifications will be sent repeatedly (up to 10 times) at regular intervals until a successful response is received from your pre-registered web hook endpoint.

In the event of multiple notifications, to prevent duplicate updates to your ledger, ALWAYs store and enforce a check on session_id for new bank transfer notifications. session_id is unique per transfer transaction and so a notification payload with an existing session_id should be disregarded.

    reference: "efc2-g2dd-fvvb",
    session_id: "000015230313003808229026004700",
    amount: 100,
    fee: 1,
    account_number: "4600577949",
    originator_account_number: "4600000000",
    originator_account_name: "Emeka Ajibade",
    originator_bank: "0000014",
    timestamp: "2021-06-30T23:48:49.197+00:00"

Last updated